How IoT is Moving the Needle on ROI and Sustainability
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 9:20 AM
Bryant Butler Rustom Mody Michael O'Sullivan

-    Discover the power of real-time and continuous analytics, digital twin, robots & drones, and wearable devices
-    Use of smart sensors and meters and leverage big data with advanced AI-ML to model climate/carbon neutral scenarios and explore opportunities to automate efficiencies that have gone untapped.
-    Monitor ESG KPIs across the value chain and track de-carbonization programs at various levels in an organization to forecast the impact on Net-Zero Goals.
-    Leverage data and insights to incrementally generate significant savings, and opportunities to mitigate emissions and improve Return on Investments.
-    Create a purposeful and balanced transition between legacy energy sources and new emerging energy ecosystems – how can they best co-exist, and still meet our communities’ growing sustainability aspirations.